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Full Body Reset Flow

Full Body Reset Flow

This 30 minute practice is wonderful for any time of the day!

Meditation to Soothe Anxiety

Meditation to Soothe Anxiety

This 15-minute meditation is the perfect antidote for anxiety.

Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation

Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation

If you’ve been feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, on high alert, or are experiencing insomnia, this is the perfect meditation practice for you.

Bellows Breath

Bellows Breath

This practice strengthens your abdominal muscles and diaphragm, alkalines your blood, enhances appetite, and increases metabolic activity.

How I Prepare for Practice

How I Prepare for Practice

How we do anything is how we do everything. In this video I share the process I mindfully move through to best prepare for my practice.

Quick Energy Boost

Quick Energy Boost

It’s for charging up your batteries and bringing in a sense of readiness, vibrancy, balance and alertness in your day.

Igniting Purpose In Your Practice

Igniting Purpose In Your Practice

Before diving into practices, consider setting an intention for your practice.

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

It is a perfect recovery class after a hard leg workout.

What Is Kundalini Yoga?

What Is Kundalini Yoga?

View this short video to get a better understanding of what Kundalini Yoga is and why we practice it. 


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Full Body Reset Flow

Full Body Reset Flow

This 30 minute practice is wonderful for any time of the day!

Evening Unwind – Yin Hatha

Evening Unwind – Yin Hatha

This is a perfect practice to do after a long, busy and/or stressful day to release tension in the Mind-Body.

Yoga for ADHD & Focus

Yoga for ADHD & Focus

This practice is designed to stimulate your sense of focus through maintaining a drishti or focal point, engaging in cross body exercises and practicing balancing postures.

Quick Energy Boost

Quick Energy Boost

It’s for charging up your batteries and bringing in a sense of readiness, vibrancy, balance and alertness in your day.

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

It is a perfect recovery class after a hard leg workout.

Proper Posture 101

Proper Posture 101

This tutorial and in depth explanation of Tadasana/Mountain Pose is designed to support you in attaining proper posture in your day to day life and in your Yoga flows. Tadasana is the Father of all postures.

Gentle Morning Wake Up Flow

Gentle Morning Wake Up Flow

With gentle movements, we gradually awaken each muscle, honoring our bodies’ unique needs and rhythms.

Detox Flow

Detox Flow

Detox Flow class is specifically crafted to revitalize your energy and promote deep purification.

Emile’s Morning Movement Practice

Emile’s Morning Movement Practice

This class is designed to kickstart your day with gentle yet invigorating movements that will energize your entire being.


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Clearing & Uplifting Your Energy Body

Clearing & Uplifting Your Energy Body

This meditation can be a nice weekly clearing to keep you feeling light and clear in your Mind and Body.

Deeper Connection With Your True Nature

Deeper Connection With Your True Nature

This meditation is designed for you to get a feel for your True Nature, your Infinite Self, through a subtle shift in Awareness.

Meditation to Soothe Anxiety

Meditation to Soothe Anxiety

This 15-minute meditation is the perfect antidote for anxiety.

Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation

Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation

If you’ve been feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, on high alert, or are experiencing insomnia, this is the perfect meditation practice for you.

Yoga Nidra For Grounding & Regeneration

Yoga Nidra For Grounding & Regeneration

This 45-minute Yoga Nidra/Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) is designed to deeply ground you into your body and bring forth a sense of renewal.


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Unlock Creative Sexual Energy

Unlock Creative Sexual Energy

There’s going to be a lot of focus on the 2nd Energy Center, Svadhishthana Chakra, the region of the hips, sexual reproductive organs and pelvis.

Develop Your Pranic Energy

Develop Your Pranic Energy

This short 5 minute kundalini breath meditation is a powerful practice for developing and harnessing your life force or pranic energy and releasing tension.

Finding Equilibrium: Sama Vritti Pranayama

Finding Equilibrium: Sama Vritti Pranayama

Anulom Vilom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing is really great for balancing the left (logical) and right (creative) hemispheres of the brain.

Balancing Breath

Balancing Breath

Anulom Vilom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing is really great for balancing the left (logical) and right (creative) hemispheres of the brain.

Balancing the Nervous Energies

Balancing the Nervous Energies

The Mudra, or energetic seal, offered here will place pressure on meridian points in the shoulders, relieving stress and balancing any nervous energies.

Bellows Breath

Bellows Breath

This practice strengthens your abdominal muscles and diaphragm, alkalines your blood, enhances appetite, and increases metabolic activity.

Ignite Vitality

Ignite Vitality

This 9 minute practice is like your espresso dose. It energizes you, dials you into the moment and promotes a sense of clarity.

My Mission

YOGAEM is a virtual oasis designed to support your evolution through cultivating a daily Yoga practice, mastering your mind & emotions, connecting to your spirituality, embodying your authenticity, and unlocking your greatest potential by addressing and enhancing three main pillars of Well-Being: Physical, Mental/Emotional & Energetic.


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