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Full Body Reset Flow

Full Body Reset Flow

This 30 minute practice is wonderful for any time of the day!

Evening Unwind – Yin Hatha

Evening Unwind – Yin Hatha

This is a perfect practice to do after a long, busy and/or stressful day to release tension in the Mind-Body.

Yoga for ADHD & Focus

Yoga for ADHD & Focus

This practice is designed to stimulate your sense of focus through maintaining a drishti or focal point, engaging in cross body exercises and practicing balancing postures.

Quick Energy Boost

Quick Energy Boost

It’s for charging up your batteries and bringing in a sense of readiness, vibrancy, balance and alertness in your day.

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

Laid Back Yoga For Hip Mobility

It is a perfect recovery class after a hard leg workout.

Proper Posture 101

Proper Posture 101

This tutorial and in depth explanation of Tadasana/Mountain Pose is designed to support you in attaining proper posture in your day to day life and in your Yoga flows. Tadasana is the Father of all postures.

Gentle Morning Wake Up Flow

Gentle Morning Wake Up Flow

With gentle movements, we gradually awaken each muscle, honoring our bodies’ unique needs and rhythms.

Detox Flow

Detox Flow

Detox Flow class is specifically crafted to revitalize your energy and promote deep purification.

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