Emile Lisauskaite

Your authentic expression is medicine to the world. You fulfill your part by being your True Self.

Hello and welcome! You can call me Em. The fact that you’re here tells me you’re ready to level up, embrace your full potential, embody your True Self, and say “YES!” to your evolution.

I was born in Kaunas, Lithuania, a small, Eastern European country with a population of less than 3 million people. In 2001, my sister and my parents moved to the Southwest suburbs of Chicago when I was 6 years young in search of the “American Dream”, leaving our entire extended family behind in Lithuania. Moving close to a big city that consists of a population that is greater than my country of birth was QUITE the change, to say the least. I didn’t know how to speak English and was tossed into a public school to figure it out. 

I share my origin because it has truly shaped my life. My perspective was instantly broadened moving to the United States. At age 6, traveling across the world was normal for me. Every summer, my parents would send me and my sister back to Lithuania to spend time with family. My grandparents then took us to different parts of the world like Africa, Turkey, Greece, all before I was 12 years old. My family didn’t come from much money, but when they had some saved up, it was all spent on traveling the World instead of a big house or fancy cars.

Traveling became a big passion of mine. Now at 27 years old, I have traveled to well over 15 countries, mostly 3rd World. I’ve sat with tribesmen in their straw huts, and begun offering food they cooked up on the ground. These people had nothing and they gladly offered me food. I’ve sat in the Amazon jungle with Shamans drinking plant medicine. I’ve witnessed indigenous tribes in the depths of the Jungle. I want to acknowledge my Mother, Estera, who showed me the value of traveling to 3rd world countries and how much that opened my eyes.

I KNEW deep in my bones that there is more to life than what I’m seeing in front of me.

What I have learned through these travels is how privileged we are to have all that we have at the tip of our fingers, but that simplicity is truly the key to happiness. Less IS more.

Since a young girl, I’d ponder questions such as, What happens after death? What is the meaning of life? Who is thinking if I can watch my thoughts? Who is “I”? etc.. since pre-teen years. I KNEW deep in my bones that there is more to life than what I’m seeing in front of me.

My infatuation with the Mind made me certain that I wanted to study psychology. I made this decision at 14 and ended up graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Chicago.

As you can imagine, being a young girl with such BIG questions and no answers was a lot to handle. I felt as if I was the only one thinking these things. I had no one to relate to. I felt like an alien wearing a human costume. The Unknown fueled high levels of anxiety. 

Eventually, I reached a point where I had a transcendental experience and I could no longer identify with my mind/body. I felt so limited by my Human form that I felt like I had to leave it just to take a REAL breath. I remember looking down at my hands and being so certain that this wasn’t my true form. 

After this experience, my spiritual journey began. I was 18 years old, it was the summer of 2014. I started reading books on the power of the Subconscious Mind and spiritual texts. Through a deep dive into literature, the words I read guided me into a deep state of meditation to the point where I felt I was making love with the air. I felt it. I felt a DEEP love of creation. I felt it within me and all around me. I cried with utter joy in my heart. I couldn’t un-see, un-feel what I had just experienced. My consciousness expanded, and a deeper knowing was activated. I got a glimpse of the essence of what Yoga TRULY is, ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’ your individualized Consciousness with Divine Consciousness — to be one with the cosmic pulse of Creation.

Ever since then, I have been on a mission to share this Truth, that we are greater than our bodies.

In 2017, I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification at Rising Lotus Healing Center in Homer Glen, IL. One year after that I was offered to take ownership of Rising Lotus. A divine series of events unfolded and this opportunity was handed to me on a golden platter. I was 22, in my last semester of graduating college, and took a leap of faith.

My mother and I transformed Rising Lotus into a Sacred Sanctuary for evolution, healing, and connection. We infused our passion for travel into the business by offering international spiritual retreats that have been a huge success.

My upbringing was not easy. I have had to endure things children should not have to.

I have become a woman of many hats ever since I realized my multi-dimensionality and I have been pursuing my purpose of sharing my process of accessing a deeper connection with life and Source/God/Spirit/Universe to live an open, wild, and free life.

Aside from embodying the role as the gatekeeper of Rising Lotus Healing Center, being a Yoga teacher and a global retreat host, I am also the lead trainer of the Rising Lotus School of Yoga & Wellness 200hr yoga teacher training program, master Reiki healer, sound vibration healer, meditation/visualization guide, channeler, spiritual embodiment mentor, consciousness coach & a passionate devotee & enthusiast of holistic living. I live a FULL life because I have turned my pain into purpose.

My upbringing was not easy. I have had to endure things children should not have to. Feeling safe was a rarity. I’d go to sleep scared. Cops would show up at the house often. I spent so much time out of my body to protect myself. I share this because I know what it’s like to live in a chaotic & abusive family dynamic. I’ve lived through the loss of my best friend at the age of 18 and the loss of my father at 27. Both of which I was privileged to be beside for their last breath.

I know what it’s like to be at the bottom of the ocean with no way of taking a breath. I know what it’s like to always put everyone else before yourself because you don’t feel worthy. I know what it’s like to feel unsafe in your environment and to live in fear, shame, and guilt. I know what it’s like to seek external approval just to feel validated. I know what it’s like to have ADHD and keep busy because you don’t want to feel your emotions. I know what it’s like to never feel at ease even when there is no danger around you. I know what it’s like to avoid intimacy and deeper connections because you fear getting hurt or left again. I know what it’s like to feel abandoned. So much of this I still work on day to day to day because I’m Human. If it wasn’t for the practices I share on this platform, I don’t where I’d be today.

The practices on this platform are here to help guide you through your journey of being a beautiful and messy Human. I am living proof that no matter your trauma, you can live a FULL and BEAUTIFUL life. The practices, information, and insights that I share here all come from personal experience and what I’ve learned from my beloved teachers and mentors. I don’t take anyone where I haven’t gone myself.

I was born in Kaunas, Lithuania, a small, Eastern European country with a population of less than 3 million people. In 2001, my sister and my parents moved to the Southwest suburbs of Chicago when I was 6 years young in search of the “American Dream”, leaving our entire extended family behind in Lithuania. Moving close to a big city that consists of a population that is greater than my country of birth was QUITE the change, to say the least. I didn’t know how to speak English and was tossed into a public school to figure it out. 

I share my origin because it has truly shaped my life. My perspective was instantly broadened moving to the United States. At age 6, traveling across the world was normal for me. Every summer, my parents would send me and my sister back to Lithuania to spend time with family. My grandparents then took us to different parts of the world like Africa, Turkey, Greece, all before I was 12 years old. My family didn’t come from much money, but when they had some saved up, it was all spent on traveling the World instead of a big house or fancy cars.

Traveling became a big passion of mine. Now at 27 years old, I have traveled to well over 15 countries, mostly 3rd World. I’ve sat with tribesmen in their straw huts, and begun offering food they cooked up on the ground. These people had nothing and they gladly offered me food. I’ve sat in the Amazon jungle with Shamans drinking plant medicine. I’ve witnessed indigenous tribes in the depths of the Jungle. I want to acknowledge my Mother, Estera, who showed me the value of traveling to 3rd world countries and how much that opened my eyes.

What I have learned through these travels is how privileged we are to have all that we have at the tip of our fingers, but that simplicity is truly the key to happiness. Less IS more.

I KNEW deep in my bones that there is more to life than what I’m seeing in front of me.

Since a young girl, I’d ponder questions such as, What happens after death? What is the meaning of life? Who is thinking if I can watch my thoughts? Who is “I”? etc.. since pre-teen years. I KNEW deep in my bones that there is more to life than what I’m seeing in front of me.

My infatuation with the Mind made me certain that I wanted to study psychology. I made this decision at 14 and ended up graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Chicago.

As you can imagine, being a young girl with such BIG questions and no answers was a lot to handle. I felt as if I was the only one thinking these things. I had no one to relate to. I felt like an alien wearing a human costume. The Unknown fueled high levels of anxiety. Eventually, I reached a point where I had a transcendental experience and I could no longer identify with my mind/body. I felt so limited by my Human form that I felt like I had to leave it just to take a REAL breath. I remember looking down at my hands and being so certain that this wasn’t my true form. 

After this experience, my spiritual journey began. I was 18 years old, it was the summer of 2014. I started reading books on the power of the Subconscious Mind and spiritual texts. Through a deep dive into literature, the words I read guided me into a deep state of meditation to the point where I felt I was making love with the air. I felt it. I felt a DEEP love of creation. I felt it within me and all around me. I cried with utter joy in my heart. I couldn’t un-see, un-feel what I had just experienced. My consciousness expanded, and a deeper knowing was activated. I got a glimpse of the essence of what Yoga TRULY is, ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’ your individualized Consciousness with Divine Consciousness — to be one with the cosmic pulse of Creation.

Ever since then, I have been on a mission to share this Truth, that we are greater than our bodies.

In 2017, I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification at Rising Lotus Healing Center in Homer Glen, IL. One year after that I was offered to take ownership of Rising Lotus. A divine series of events unfolded and this opportunity was handed to me on a golden platter. I was 22, in my last semester of graduating college, and took a leap of faith.

My mother and I transformed Rising Lotus into a Sacred Sanctuary for evolution, healing, and connection. We infused our passion for travel into the business by offering international spiritual retreats that have been a huge success.

My upbringing was not easy. I have had to endure things children should not have to.

I have become a woman of many hats ever since I realized my multi-dimensionality and I have been pursuing my purpose of sharing my process of accessing a deeper connection with life and Source/God/Spirit/Universe to live an open, wild, and free life.

Aside from embodying the role as the gatekeeper of Rising Lotus Healing Center, being a Yoga teacher and a global retreat host, I am also the lead trainer of the Rising Lotus School of Yoga & Wellness 200hr yoga teacher training program, master Reiki healer, sound vibration healer, meditation/visualization guide, channeler, spiritual embodiment mentor, consciousness coach & a passionate devotee & enthusiast of holistic living. I live a FULL life because I have turned my pain into purpose.

My upbringing was not easy. I have had to endure things children should not have to. Feeling safe was a rarity. I’d go to sleep scared. Cops would show up at the house often. I spent so much time out of my body to protect myself. I share this because I know what it’s like to live in a chaotic & abusive family dynamic. I’ve lived through the loss of my best friend at the age of 18 and the loss of my father at 27. Both of which I was privileged to be beside for their last breath.

I know what it’s like to be at the bottom of the ocean with no way of taking a breath. I know what it’s like to always put everyone else before yourself because you don’t feel worthy. I know what it’s like to feel unsafe in your environment and to live in fear, shame, and guilt. I know what it’s like to seek external approval just to feel validated. I know what it’s like to have ADHD and keep busy because you don’t want to feel your emotions. I know what it’s like to never feel at ease even when there is no danger around you. I know what it’s like to avoid intimacy and deeper connections because you fear getting hurt or left again. I know what it’s like to feel abandoned. So much of this I still work on day to day to day because I’m Human. If it wasn’t for the practices I share on this platform, I don’t where I’d be today.

The practices on this platform are here to help guide you through your journey of being a beautiful and messy Human. I am living proof that no matter your trauma, you can live a FULL and BEAUTIFUL life. The practices, information, and insights that I share here all come from personal experience and what I’ve learned from my beloved teachers and mentors. I don’t take anyone where I haven’t gone myself.



At YOGAEM, our mission is to empower the modern-day yogi by merging ancient wisdom with contemporary practice. Grounded in the three pillars of physical vitality, mental/emotional clarity, and energetic balance, our virtual studio is a sanctuary amid life’s hustle. Here, you cultivate a daily yoga practice, master the art of embodying your True Self, deepen your connection to your spirituality, and unlock your greatest potential.

Core Principles To Live By


We are Beings of evolution. We are products of an evolutionary process. This creative impulse of Source Vibration is expressing & fulfilling itself through us. The question is, how willing are you to trust & surrender to it? We must move towards the evolution of the Self by nurturing this creative spark of the Divine, expanding it, & living in service to it. The way this creative energy is expressed is unique to each of us. This expression is our most authentic state. Each of our authentic expressions is like a unique melody in the song of Creation. To silence your melody is to silence LIFE itself.

Relaxation & Receivership

To relax is to receive. When we give ourselves space to slow down, relax the nervous system, and truly be with and in the moment (which we are inseparable from) we then open up like a lotus flower and can sense the connection to all that is. Through this process of self-regulation and letting go of control, we can merge with the current of life that permeates through all things & follow that divine current of energy where insight can be received and direction can become clearer. When we soften into Being, we enter a deeper state of receivership where Source Vibration can replenish us and where we can connect to our innate wholeness.


The collective energy is a product of each of our energetic impulses that ripple into space & influence the greater field. We create greater impact & change in the world by coming together because we are a part of one intricate web of life.


There are billions of years of cosmic effort in every fiber of your Being. You are an aspect of the very essence of Creation/Source/God, whatever you choose to call it. You are like the Ocean experiencing itself as a wave, seemingly separate from Source, but not actually. We forget who we truly are as we come here to Earth. We forget that we are creators, “God in drag” as Ram Dass would say. When we claim this innate Truth we can live a life of Self-empowerment.

Growth Mindset

There is no maximum capacity for your growth. You may be one piece of new information, one new experience, one new skill, one new perspective away from gaining clarity on your goals and aspirations, discovering your area of genius, making a difference, meeting your soulmate, discovering new insights, and the list goes on. Always look to broaden your horizons because there is no edge!

Embodied Presence

Your life is HERE & NOW. The future is being made in the moments. Everything that has ever happened & ever will happen will only ever be in the NOW. Although the concept of time is useful in our day and age — as a society, it has gotten the best of us. We spend most of our time dwelling in the past & worrying about future. The result is feeling like time has completely slipped away & we’ve missed out on living our lives here & now. The future & the past are mental constructs that have pulled many of us out of the experience of Life that is only ever happening right now. The “sacredness”, the “divine”, “Spirit” is RIGHT HERE — in the ordinary, the mundane.


The deeper we journey into ourselves the more we feel the undeniable connection we share with all of life and the Source that breathes life into us. This connection opens us up to the Truth of who and what we are, creation made manifest.


Your authentic expression is medicine to the World. You fulfill your part by being true to yourself & what lights you up. No one else is here to be you, but you. Your most authentic way of existing is in alignment with what feels expansive & moves you toward your evolution.

Carving A New Path

Do not let the negative experiences and habits of your past dictate your life. You have the power to carve a new way of Living and Being not just for yourself, but generations to come. Be the change you want to see.

Be Loving, Kind & Compassionate

No one is exempt from human suffering. It is an intricate part of the Human experience, for everything and everyone you know will eventually cease to exist, even Earth herself. This is a shared grief that is often not talked about. Every day, someone you encounter is very likely experiencing some sort of pain, loss, grief, or hurt, and you may not even notice, for many suffer silently. Being seen in the darkness of Life can bring humanity closer together. It creates much more depth within human connections. To be felt, seen, and heard in ALL walks of life can remind us how similar we all are.

A Personal Message From Me To You

Press the play button and hear a personal message from me to you as you start your journey into your divine practices.